QUITO: Ana Afonso, PHD dirigió Taller de Desarrollo y Seguridad Alimentaria

Quito, lunes 28 abril 2014
QUITO: Ana Afonso, PHD dirigió Taller de Desarrollo y Seguridad Alimentaria
QUITO: Ana Afonso, PHD dirigió Taller de Desarrollo y Seguridad Alimentaria

Ana Afonso PhD, conducted a workshop on food safety and development

The workshop on food safety and development conducted by Ana Afonso Gallegos, PHD, a foreign researcher who is part of the "Prometeo Viejos Sabios" project executed by the National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT), started on April 25th in UPS-Quito.

Afonso, from Spain, is also a researcher for the Planning and Sustainable Development for local rural development research group (GESPLAN) in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. She has an outstanding academic and professional track record in Agronomy.

In Ecuador she currently cooperates with the Local Government of Manabí and with UPS. In the former, she is in charge of the food safety program, and in the latter she shares and socializes her experiences in Manabí.

UPS will have workshops to train teachers and students on these topics; there is also the intention to write scientific articles with the support of researchers in the university so they can be published in science magazines.

The food safety and development workshop will last one month. After that, there will be two more workshops to socialize the products and write a scientific article.