QUITO: Artículo de docentes Esteban Inga y Germán Arévalo se presentará en Colombian Conference on Communications e indexado a SCOPUS

Quito, lunes 21 abril 2014


The academic article written by Esteban Inga and Germán Arévalo will be presented in the Colombian Conference on Communications and indexed to SCOPUS

The academic article "Optimal Deployment of Cellular Networks for Advanced Measurement Infrastructure in Smart Grid", written by Esteban Inga and Germán Arévalo, who are both teachers and researchers at UPS, will be presented in the Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing, COLCOM 2014. This event will be sponsored by IEEE.

This article is related to the doctoral engineering research topic that these two teachers are currently working on at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana along with their thesis director, PhD Roberto Hincapié from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

This article is also associated with undergraduate levels with the research project called: “Communication networks management for intelligent measurement of electrical power” which received UPS research funds.

The research also belongs to the work carried out by the Electronics and Telematics Research group which is part of the CIDII (Engineering Research, Development and Innovation Center) in UPS. This research is being developed in the Quito Kennedy Campus by the Electric engineering major, considered the main researcher of the project.

The article was sent to the event so it could be reviewed and evaluated through blind reviews. The article will be presented by the author and coauthors in a conference at Universidad de los Andes from the 4th to the 6th of June, 2014 in Bogotá Colombia. It will then be published in “IEEE ColCom 2014 Conference Proceedings” and placed in the “IEEE Xplore” virtual library, which means the article will be part of the SCOPUS database, a site where people can find important indexed articles such as IEEE.