QUITO: Comunidad Universitaria de la UPS da una cálida bienvenida al nuevo Inspector Salesiano, P. Jorge Molina

Quito, martes 22 julio 2014
QUITO: Comunidad Universitaria de la UPS da una cálida bienvenida al nuevo Inspector Salesiano, P. Jorge Molina
QUITO: Comunidad Universitaria de la UPS da una cálida bienvenida al nuevo Inspector Salesiano, P. Jorge Molina
UPS welcomed the new Salesian Inspector, Father Jorge Molina
Last Thursday, July 17th, the University community welcomed the new Salesian inspector in Ecuador, Father Jorge Molina, and also thanked and said goodbye to the former Salesian inspector, Father Marcelo Farfan, in office from 2008 – 2014.
Around 300 people among salesian priests, professors, students, and staff attended an evening meal in honor of the new inspector in the university’s coliseum in Quito. Tim Ploch, Javier Herran, Esteban Ortiz, Viviana Montalvo, Luis Tobar, and Andres Bayolo also attended.
At the beginning of the ceremony they presented the video “Ecuador Salesianos”, produced by Audiovisuales Don Bosco (ADB), which showed the importance of Salesians presence in Ecuador and explained the context in which UPS falls into.
The UPS-Quito Vice president welcomed everyone to the ceremony and was then followed by Father Marcelo Farfan who thanked the entire university community for being there. After that, Father Jorge Molina greeted the attendees and said that in every Salesian work there are four elements that should always be present: quality, affection, competence, and co-responsibility.
During the ceremony people enjoyed some live music performed by Machlilla, a band made up by Fabricio Pillajo, Gabriel Pillajo, Esteban Morejón, Andrés Valdivieso, Diego Romo and Roberto Cabrera, who are all former UPS students.