QUITO: Desarrollo emocional y educación infantil fueron los ejes temáticos de las Jornadas de Pedagogía

Quito, miércoles 30 julio 2014
QUITO: Desarrollo emocional y educación infantil fueron los ejes temáticos de las Jornadas de Pedagogía
QUITO: Desarrollo emocional y educación infantil fueron los ejes temáticos de las Jornadas de Pedagogía

Emotional Development and Childhood education

On July 14th and 15th professors and students attended several forums that were held in the Pedagogy faculty. The speakers at this event were: Miriam Gallegos, a Pedagogy professor and the director of the Special Education Master’s, Geovanny Toscano, guest speaker, and Edgar Zúñiga, a Psychology professor; the first forum was titled “A look at children’s emotional development”.

Toscano explained that a child’s emotional development starts with parents’ responsibility, which is fundamental for a child’s development as they learn about personal values. Zuñiga, on the other hand said love is an essential part of development.

Gallegos, spoke about the importance of three affective intelligences which determine a child’s emotional intelligence. Humans live in three worlds: material, mental, and cultural. “It is important to foster knowledge, but it is more important to bring up loving human beings so they can have a great relationship with their family and friends” by providing them with social tools, such as inter personal skills, needed to improve their relationship with the world.

A workshop on children’s emotional development meant to reinforce and apply the information Pedagogy students have acquired was also held during this event. There was also time to present Erick Erickson’s four stages of psychosocial theory: Trust vs Mistrust, Autonomy vs Doubt, Initiative vs Guilt, and Industry vs Inferiority, this presentation was prepared by second, fourth, sixth, and eighth level pedagogy students.

Redacción: Mayra Aguirre y Catherine Peralta