QUITO: Docente de la UPS publica en la revista científica de infancia y juventud DESIDADES

Quito, lunes 13 octubre 2014
QUITO: Docente de la UPS publica en la revista científica de infancia y juventud DESIDADES
QUITO: Docente de la UPS publica en la revista científica de infancia y juventud DESIDADES

"Jóvenes indígenas en la Sierra Central de Ecuador. Elementos para pensar sus prácticas comunitarias" is the article written by René Unda and María Fernanda Solorzano. The article was published in DESIDADES, an e-magazine that disseminates scientific information regarding children and youth.

The article presents theoretical, conceptual and methodological frameworks on socio-cultural practices of young indigenous people in the central highlands of Ecuador, as well as the results of the research. It also proposes a debate on socio-cultural practices of young indigenous people in a context of change and transformation.
René Unda is a researcher, a professor, director of the children's and adolescents' research center (CINAJ, in spanish), and the director of the Master's degree in Social Policies of children and adolescents at UPS. María Fernanda Solórzano is a researcher at CINAJ.

DESIDES has a portuguese and a spanish version to disseminate information about topics regarding children and youth. The magazine is published by Universidad Federal do Río de Janeiro, NIPIAC, and other associated international institutions.

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