QUITO: Docentes investigadoras del CILEC participaron en 13º Congreso Panamericano de la Leche en México

Quito, martes 21 octubre 2014
QUITO: Docentes investigadoras del CILEC participaron en 13º Congreso Panamericano de la Leche en México
QUITO: Docentes investigadoras del CILEC participaron en 13º Congreso Panamericano de la Leche en México

CILEC researchers participated in the 13th Pan American Dairy Congress held in Mexico

From the 8th to the 11th of September more than two thousand people from 20 countries took part in 13th Pan American Dairy Congress held in Queretaro, Mexico, where two UPS researchers, Dr. Nancy Bonifaz and Dr. Narcisa Requelme were panelists. 

Bonifaz presented the research titled "Niveles de urea en leche y su correlación con características físico-química y la composición nutricional de las dietas para bovinos en ganaderías de la provincia Pichincha", while Requelme presented her research titled "Nivel tecnológico y productividad en fincas lecheras de Cayambe". Both research projects were conducted in the University's Dairy Research Center (CILEC, in Spanish)

Simultaneously, the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Pan American Dairy Federation was also being held, and Requelme was the UPS representative in that network. 

Participants from Australia, New Zealand, Spain, and several Latin American countries were part of this event; the main conclusion was the promising perspectives for the continent's dairy. Latin America's great potential for milk production was evident, thanks to the availability of freshwater, land with the right conditions, a young population, climate diversity, and natural conditions.

Furthermore, the congress highlighted the importance of research and academia in order to improve the quality of production and contribute to the industry's constant innovation and products.