QUITO: Docentes investigadores René Unda y Daniel Llanos publican artículo "Producción social de infancias en contextos de cambios y transformaciones `rurbanas´", en revista de CLACSO

Quito, martes 29 abril 2014

René Unda and Daniel Llanos, both teachers and researchers, published the article "Producción social de infancias en contextos de cambios y transformaciones `rurbanas´", in CLASCO magazine

René Unda Lara and Daniel Llanos Erazo, teachers and researchers at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, are the authors of the article entitled "Producción social de infancias en contextos de cambios y transformaciones `rurbanas´", which is part of the text "Pensar la Infancia desde América Latina. Un estado de la cuestión", published by the Consejo Latinoamericano de la Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) magazine. It was compiled by Valeria Llobet.

One of the thoughts presented in this book states that it has been twenty five years since the Convention on Children's rights in 1989, and that Latin America is both willing and capable of leading changes in different areas, as well as consolidating achievements in other aspects of social and cultural life, and continental and international politics. You will find some answers to several inquiries related to the concern for the demographically thriving and demanding childhood; it also describes and analyzes diverse types of childhood.

This book compiles several papers about childhood in diverse situations and cultural contexts, it responds to the growing interest in childhood which has generated a great deal of theses during the last twenty five years.

This academic text is part of the Postgraduate network of Social Sciences collection, and it can be read here.