QUITO: Foro "Solidaridad con Palestina" convocó a decenas de estudiantes y docentes

Quito, lunes 28 julio 2014
QUITO: Foro "Solidaridad con Palestina" convocó a decenas de estudiantes y docentes

Professors and students attended the forum "Solidarity with Palestine"

Last July 25th professors and students attended a panel discussion titled "Solidaridad con Palestina" or Solidarity with Palestine organized by the Social Communication major at UPS-Quito and led by Laura Ciudad, a professor and war correspondent.

The speakers were Marcelo Medrano, political analyst; Roberto German Krimer, Argentinian activist of Human Rights in Palestine and Laura Ciudad. Medrano spoke about the historical, geopolitical, and social context of this conflict. He talked about the wars and the terrible and painful living conditions that Palestinians have lived in for more than 60 years.

German, who lived in Israel and Palestine, spoke about how Israelis use slogans at political campaigns to justify the massacre by stating such things as: "Israel uses weapons to protect its civil population" or "Israel builds bunkers to protect its civil population and Hamas uses schools and hospitals to hide its weapons".

He also spoke about "the resistance of Palestine" and said the media does not even mention it; instead they (the media) speak about the terrorist group "Hamas" in an attempt to victimize Palestinians and make them look evil so that the world believes "it is an Israeli war to finish with the terrorists that attack them".

Laura Ciudad, who lived in Palestine as a war correspondent, said she felt helpless for not being able to help Palestine in a better way, and added that the best way to "do something" is by disseminating this tragedy through all means possible.