QUITO: Investigadores del CINAJ participaron en el XXXII Congreso de LASA "Democracia y Memoria"

Quito, miércoles 4 junio 2014
QUITO: Investigadores del CINAJ participaron en el XXXII Congreso de LASA
QUITO: Investigadores del CINAJ participaron en el XXXII Congreso de LASA "Democracia y Memoria"

Two CINAJ researchers participated in the XXXII LASA Congress titled “Democracy and Memory”

Rene Unda and Daniel Llanos, researchers for the Childhood, Adolescence and Youth research center (CINAJ, in Spanish) and the “Youth, Childhood: policies, cultures and social institutions” group from CLASCO, took part in the Congress titled “Democracia y Memoria” or “Democracy and Memory” from the Latin American Studies Association, LASA which was held in Chicago, USA from May 21st to 24th, 2014.

Both researchers presented the progress and the results from their current and previous research that is part of CINAJ’s program. Their work was presented in several sessions: panel 214 “ Popular manifestations in the globalized world: the place for the youth”; panel 356 “Childhood and Youth: from the lack of objectives to the display of skills”; panel 837 “Status, youth and activism: working on relations”

The analyses and the debates over the topics that were presented at this event allowed the status of academic production that articulates children, youth, the state and democracy to be updated, and to discuss several issues on socio political changes and transformations occurring in Latin America and how children and young people are involved.