QUITO: Residencia Universitaria acoge a nuevos estudiantes provenientes de comunidades salesianas

Quito, lunes 13 octubre 2014
QUITO: Residencia Universitaria acoge a nuevos estudiantes provenientes de comunidades salesianas
QUITO: Residencia Universitaria acoge a nuevos estudiantes provenientes de comunidades salesianas

University Residence for new students from Salesian communities

On October 9th, six new students from Salesian communities in Sevilla Don Bosco, Zumbahua, Taisha, Wasakentza, Yaupi, Bomboiza, Salinas and Esmeraldas received a warm welcome at the University Residence located in the south of Quito. These six UPS students along with other 21 students with scholarships will now live and study there.

Father Mafeo Panteghini, Director of the University Residence, Viviana Montalvo, Vice president of UPS- Quito, Irene Lema, Director of the student services department, and Verónica Di Caudo, Director of the Education research center, attended this event. 

The event started with the celebration of Holy Mass and was followed by typical dances from several communities that were performed by the students; they also recited poetry and presented a video showed representative sites of their communities. 

Here are the students and the majors they will study: Social Communication: Jua Tangamashi Jherison Javier (Taisha); Business Administration: Tsenkush Kassent Kashijint Leonardo (Bomboiza) and Rea Masabanda Lorena del Rocío (Salinas); Accounting and Auditing: Utitiaj Petsaint William (Yaupi); Pedagogy: Jimpikit Puanch Use Marco (Wasakentza); Mechanical Engineering: Cortéz Caicedo Eduardo Enrique (Esmeraldas).

Here are the previous students and their majors: Environmental Engineering: Chaluisa Candelejo Sandra Estefanía (Zumbahua) Pallo Sinaluisa Elsa Ramona (Zumbahua), Management and Leadership: Bonifaz Tuapanta Richard (Salinas), Chiguano Cuchipe Edwin Efrain (Zumbahua), Guamán Guaillas Medardo Fabián (Saraguro), Mayak Timias Etsa Rodrigo (Wasakentza), Naikiai Jintiach Paul Etsa (Bomboiza), Olivo Guanotuña Fernanda Noemi (Zumbahua), Pastuña Cuchiparte María Fabiola (Zumbahua), Pastuña Cuchiparte María Lucinda(Zumbahua); Vichicela Ushcu Edwin Romeo (Salinas), Yépez Padilla Patricia Antonella (Esmeraldas).

And finally: Natural Resources Biotechnology: Molina Lisbeth Judith (Zumbahua); Social Communication: Cuchiparte Nancy Lucía (Zumbahua), Chamorro Hamilton Mauricio (Salinas); Business Administration: Washikiat Chuint Luz Morelia (Taisha); Systems Engineering: Mariuxi Alexandra Márquez (Esmeraldas); Electronic Engineering: Pazmiño Quinionez Juan Carlos (Esmeraldas); Pedagogy: Sanchin Kuriku Tuits Venancio ( Esmetraldas); Psychology: Cayapa Ikiam Gilma Ibelia (Sevilla).