QUITO: Se presentaron cuatro textos académicos de profesores investigadores y del Rector de la UPS

Quito, domingo 5 octubre 2014
QUITO: Se presentaron cuatro textos académicos de profesores investigadores y del Rector de la UPS
QUITO: Se presentaron cuatro textos académicos de profesores investigadores y del Rector de la UPS

Professors, researchers and UPS president presented their books 

Four books published by the University's publishing house Abya-Yala were presented last October 3rd in UPS-Quito. The books are: "Microcrédito y Desarrollo Local. La experiencia de la Casa Campesina Cayambe" written by Javier Herrán, UPS President; "La naturaleza con derechos. 365 razones para un Ecuador libre de Transgénicos" by Elizabeth Bravo and Elena Gálvez; "Estado de situación y manual para la demanda y restitución de los derechos de las mujeres" by Viviana Maldonado Posso and Cecilia Mena Carrera; and "Diálogos del Catolicismo y Protestantismo Indígena en Chimborazo" by Doctor Juan Ilicachi.

Applied anthropology and local sustainable development students, professors, and area of study directors, attended the event which was held in the Fray Bartolomé de las Casas UPS-Quito-Giron meeting room. The ceremony was presided by UPS president Javier Herrán, UPS-Quito vice president Viviana Montalvo, Elizabeth Bravo, Juan Ilicachi, Cecilia Mena, Víctor Hugo Torres, Rodrigo Torres, and José Juncosa

Elizabeth Bravo thanked the University for publishing her book and presenting it to the university community; she spoke about her interest in writing the book and invited everyone to read it. Javier Herrán on the other hand, talked about his experience in the program that was carried out in 95 indigenous communities around Cayambe and Pedro Moncayo. 

Cecilia Mena, the co-author of "Estado de situación y manual para la demanda y restitución de los derechos de las mujeres" explained that the book contains relevant qualitative and quantitative information about women's situations in Imbabura and Sucumbios. And finally, Juan Ilicachi thanked UPS and everyone else who contributed in his doctorate thesis which is echoed in the book "Diálogos del Catolicismo y Protestantismo Indígena en Chimborazo"

The event was broadcast live by IN-RADIO by the Social Communication major in Quito.