Research groups presented their projects during the Night of Ideas

UPS, martes 4 febrero 2020
The project: Smart technology platform for agricultural producers
The project: Smart technology platform for agricultural producers


The university's research groups presented several projects during the 2nd edition of the "Night of ideas", an event aimed at promoting research and innovative ideas. The topic of this edition was "Being Alive". 

The event was organized by the French Alliance and was attended by Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, Universidad de Cuenca and Universidad del Azuay. The universities presented research projects aimed at improving people's quality of life.

The night of ideas is a program created by the French government in 2016. It is night for people to discuss current topics; this edition was held in Cuenca and the aim was to get universities involved.

""We are really happy to have three universities in the event, we are looking for, cooperation. The more cooperation, the stronger we are," said Antoine Lissorgues, director of the French Alliance who also invited society to show greater interest in this type of projects, to knock on the doors of universities as tools that improve the future.

One of the research projects was "Robotic Assistant Articulated as a Support Tool in the Rehabilitation of Children with Motor Difficulties" presented by Brian Pino and Victor Uguña, students of the Mechatronics and Computing Engineering. The research work focuses on helping children with motor disabilities (3 to 7 years old).

Andrea Mancheno, assistant to the public, said that organizing this type of activity is very necessary for citizens to know what the academy is doing, recognizes that students have very good initiatives and that it is important that there are spaces where they are made known.

Andrea Mancheno, assistant of the event, said it is necessary to organize these types of events in order for people to know what academia is doing. She highlighted that students have really good ideas and it is important to promote them.