Research on ritual suicides in Ecuador will be presented at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Quito, miércoles 18 marzo 2015
Professor Lorena Campo
Professor Lorena Campo

On April 17th, Professor Lorena Campo, a doctoral student at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, in Spain, will present her paper titled "Significaciones otorgadas en Ecuador a rituales de suicidio" ,or something like Meanings given to ritual suicides in Ecuador , in a conference that has been organized by the Anthropology research group (GRAFO, in spanish) from this university.

"It is my first time presenting a paper during my PhD studies at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Although this activity should be taking place during my second year, the research director is so interested in this topic that she has asked me to present it now" said Campo.

The research is focused on suicide in Ecuador as part of rituals that present ways of understanding life or death; it also intends to learn about sociocultural aspects of this phenomenon and analyze it from different fields such as social, cultural and health anthropology, as well as psychology and psychiatry. 

Professor Campo, a scholar from Fundación Carolina and an anthropology and psychology professor at UPS-Quito is currently studying two doctoral programs, one at Instituto Pere Mata de la Universidad de Rovira y Vigil, on health, and the other at Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, on social anthropology.