Research projects that will benefit doctors in Guayaquil

Guayaquil, lunes 1 octubre 2018
Egresados de la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas presentaron dos proyectos de investigaciónStudents presented the projects
Egresados de la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas presentaron dos proyectos de investigaciónStudents presented the projects


Jonathan Ocaña and Jack Bermeo, members of the Information and Communication Technologies Associated with Disabilities Research Group (Grupo de Investigación de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación Asociadas a la Discapacidad (TICAD), presented two research projects. The first, a Medical Information System which enables the automation of activities in a doctor's office by showing statistical information and the second, a web system of cognitive evaluation which includes several therapies that enable the measurement of cognitive deterioration of the elderly in the Hogar Corazón de Jesús retirement home.

 "All the information that is collected from the application will be turned into data that will allow doctors to learn about the progress or deterioration of health of elderly people and that way apply the appropriate treatment", said Bermeo, creator of Senamentics.

The projects are aimed at providing fast solutions to several problems in hospitals. For Ernesto Carrasco, president of the Ecuadorian Medical Federation, said "the aim is that 200 doctors use this system and then by the members of the doctors Association of Guayas".

These projects will be published by high impact journals.