Researchers presented their studies during the Scientific Meeting on Administrative and Accounting Sciences and Business"

Guayaquil, viernes 11 noviembre 2016


On November 9 and 10th the university's business administration and accounting majors in Guayaquil held the first "Scientific Meeting on Administrative and Accounting Sciences and Business". The aim of this event was that professors, students and researchers present their research and business experience.

One of the main topics was the potential of universities to create skills that will transform economies and societies that the country currently demands. 

The meeting was attended by professors, researchers and students from Universidad de Santa Elena, Universidad de Guayaquil, Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo and Universidad Politécnica Salesiana in Guayaquil.

The keynote speeches were given by PhD Jose Zato Recellado (from Spain), PhD Rafael Bell and PhD Carmen Leon Seguro (from Cuba) and the topics were: "Universities vs Businesses", "The importance of multiple intelligences for business", "Poverty and its metrics, the Ecuadorian case".

The presentation of 35 talks were divided into 4 groups: Administration and business, marketing and finance, international trade and development, Research on Accounting and students' research and results. 

"The aim of the meeting is to foster research in Ecuadorian universities", said Fabian Villacres, director of the business administration major.

The scientific contributions presented at the meeting will be published in a book about the memoirs of the event and the best articles will be sent to Retos journal. "Within a few years our goal is to index our scientific meeting in Scopus," said Villacrés.