Revolving funds for the success of rural development projects

Quito, martes 2 febrero 2016
Professor Viviana Montalvo with UPM professors and UPS students
Professor Viviana Montalvo with UPM professors and UPS students

The article ""Fondos rotatorios como herramienta para el éxito de proyectos de desarrollo rural. Estudio de caso: Casa Campesina, Cayambe-Ecuador"" written by  Professor Viviana Montalvo Gutierrez was published in a book about Research on Project Engineering from Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. This publishing house edits books, e-books and peer reviewed papers on science, technology and medicine.

The article was also published in English, "Revolving funds as a tool for the success of rural development projects. Case study: "Casa Campesina" Cayambe (Ecuador)" , and is part of professor Montalvo's doctoral thesis. Professor Montalvo has worked on this research along with Marija Maneiko, who is student of the masters degree in Project planning for Rural Development at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.

The research analyzes the contribution of revolving funds for microcredits for the sustainability of development actions of projects promoted by international cooperation, from the following points of view: quantitative (credit amount, number  of beneficiaries, NPL rate, etc) and qualitative (change of the beneficiaries well-being).

The article was finally published after a long and rigorous grading process after it was presented in the International Congress of  Agencia Española de Ingeniería de Proyectos AEIPRO