Safety plan for the university's branch campus in Quito

Quito, jueves 25 mayo 2017
Police dogs exhibition
Police dogs exhibition


The university's student services, human resources and communication and culture departments, as well as the students federation (FEUPS) in Quito along with the Natinal Police presented the University's Safety Plan. The agents involved have worked on this project since 2016, the aim is to promote a culture of safety within the university community.

The plan was presented to UPS students, administrative staff, professors and officials. The board was made up by Edgar Tello, acting vice president in the university's branch campus in Quito; Guillermo Pillajo, HR director; Captain Christian Espinosa Gonzalo Quintana, FEUPS.

Edgar Tello said safety is a complicated process since it is made up by different agents. "Safety has to do with crime, catastrophic events or emergency situations that need to be looked after with different criteria. Safety is an effort that joins different actors who work on prevention, communication and mutual support", he said.

Captain Espinosa, who led this process from the beginning, congratulated UPS for its initiative, interest and sustainability. He said the communication plan will allow the entire university community to learn about the preventive measures that will be taken to protect everyone; there are security tips, videos on security and a guide for peaceful living.

Dr. Pillajo explained that the project is based on three action elements: diagnosis, development and communication.

Attendees were given a leaflet with security tips, they watched a video made by the following students:  Bryan Morales, Julio Obando, Valeria Tobar, Valeria Moreta and José Salguero, with the support of the National Police.

There were also stands to explain the services of the national police regarding safety and a dog show. UPS brigade members gave information about safety measures and meeting points in case of an emergency.