Salesian congress in Rome seeks improvements in education

UPS, viernes 30 septiembre 2022


Our university took part in the SDB Change Congress held in Universidad Pontificia Salesiana in Rome, Italy. 


The aim of the International Congress is to strengthen the network of salesian institutions and contribute with solutions that will help face current social, economic and environmental changes.


Juan Pablo Salgado, head of research at UPS, represented the university during the congress and spoke about the university as an ecosystem, common good, Startups and how they all influence the development of students’ lives. He also presented the conference titled “De la Acción Pragmática al Pensamiento Estratégico” alongside Antonello Vedovato, founder of Fundación EDULIFE. 


Decisions made by the Salesian Congregation these years will influence the whole world for a long time; Everyone must be active in the Salesian world and they are called to create a better world.