Salesian groups meet to plan assitance for people affected by the earthquake

Guayaquil, jueves 28 abril 2016
Coordinators of several salesian groups
Coordinators of several salesian groups


Due to our country's current situation, after being hit by an earthquake last April 16, officials from the pastoral department at UPS-Guayaquil have decided to call all salesian group directors for a meeting to discuss and plan how UPS will help the people who were affected by the earthquake.

During the meeting they were notified that UPS President Javier Herran had decided to call off the national meeting for salesian groups and use those resources to help the affected population. "The economic resources will be used to support the solidarity campaigns at the university, and I ask all the group directors to transmit this message to the group members", said Juan Jose Rocha from UPS-Guayaquil.

One of the proposals is to have a group of volunteers who can go to shelters, hospitals and public as well as private institutions in Guayaquil to help, "there will be 160 students who will attend the affected area and provide people with food", said Rocha.

Roberto Briones, coordinator of the pastoral department at UPS-Guayaquil said that these activities allow students to demonstrate Don Bosco's vision of educating good Christians.