Salesian inspector visited our branch campus in Guayaquil

Guayaquil, viernes 18 junio 2021
Francisco Sánchez, Salesian Inspector
Francisco Sánchez, Salesian Inspector


Father Fransisco Sanchez, Salesian Inspector, visited the university's "Maria Auxiliadora" campus in Guayaquil; he took a tour of the new premises which include 130 classrooms, 4 auditoriums and a main auditorium for 600 people.

Father Juan Cardenas, UPS president, and Raul Alvarez, vice president of the university's branch campus in Guayaquil, were also there. Raul Alvarez spoke about their achievements during the pandemic. He explained the improvement of the infrastructure, spoke about community engagement projects, scholarships that were awarded to students and their plan to return for students' return to the university. 

"Although the pandemic affected us, we managed to get more than 1,300 students to join the return plan and despite their difficulties, they were able to continue their studies." stated Raúl Álvarez.

Fransisco Sanchez sent warm greetings to the entire university community and took a moment to talk to guests. He encouraged university officials and community members to accompany young people as a fundamental part of Salesian work, and called for teamwork in the university community.

"This is a visit to encourage you to overcome challenges and work together to develop proposals. At the university there is a good atmosphere, it is important work for an increasingly significant university," said Sánchez