Salesian project "Chicos de la Calle" presented its annual report

Quito, viernes 2 septiembre 2016
(from left to right). Elizabeth Maruri, Franklin Pino, Francisco Sánchez, José Juncosa, Wladimir Galárraga and Robert García
(from left to right). Elizabeth Maruri, Franklin Pino, Francisco Sánchez, José Juncosa, Wladimir Galárraga and Robert García


On August 31st, in the university's branch in Quito, the Salesian Foundation "Chicos de la calle", a non profit salesian institution which develops an integral educational proposal for children since 1977, presented its 2015 annual report to professors, children, adolescents, parents, workers, coordinators of UPS and MIES representatives.

The general committee was made up by Father Fransisco Sanchez, director of the "Chicos de la calle" project; Father Robert Garcia, Vicar of the Ecuadorian Salesian Inspectorate; Jose Juncosa, vice president of the university's branch in Quito; Dr. Wladimir Galarraga, general coordinator of "Chicos de la Calle"; Dr. Franklin Pino, district director of MIES and Dr. Elizabeth Maruru, treasurer of "Chicos de la Calle".

Father Fransisco Sanchez highlighted the 39 years of work carried out by salesians in Ecuadorian cities in order build Don Bosco's dream for children and young people. Jose Juncosa said the university wants to grow with this project and become a better university. On behalf of the community involvement department, Veronica Tufiño said "the university's support does not only improve lives but it creates new possibilities for boys and girls"

The foundation is located in five cities and has the following projects: Unidad Educativa San Patricio (UESPA), Talleres Escuela San Patricio (TESPA), Centro de acogida "Mi Caleta", Programa Acción Guambras, Escuela Deportiva Golaso Salesiano, Programa Finanzas Populares en Quito; Granja Don Bosco en Ambato, Centro Casa de jóvenes en Esmeraldas; Centro Comunitario Casa Don Bosco en Santo Domingo and Centro Casa Don Bosco de San Lorenzo. These projects help 2,594 children and adolescents and 1,643 families in vulnerable situations.

The project is financed with the help of different institutions: 57% of national institutions; 25% of international institutions; 16% leverage; 1% contributions and donations and 1% of other income.

UPS leverages three projects of the Foundation: UESPA, TESPA, GOLASO and "Mi Caleta", an agreement signed in 2016 which strengthened the university's coverage, sponsorship and commitment. The support is not monetary, it is through things that benefit people such as food, infrastructure, school uniforms and kits.

In 2015, UPS and "Procura Salesianas de Australia" improved the computer center, restrooms, kitchen, dining room, desks and the playground of the San Patricio School.