School kits for boys and girls from the "Chicos de la calle" Foundation

Quito, lunes 12 septiembre 2016
Children who received the school kits
Children who received the school kits


On September 10th, the university's Foundation "Chicos de la Calle" held a special program where they gave hundreds of children 921 school kits with material for their education. These children are part of the foundation's programs: talleres escuela San Patricio (TESPA), Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional San Patricio (UESPA), el programa GOL A.S.O (Domingo Savio, Mi Patio y Don Bosco), Acción Guambra (La Marín, Amazonas, Pisulí e Iñaquito),  Mi Caleta and escuelas públicas de Amaguaña.

Father Sanchez, director of the Foundation, said "these kits are given to children thanks to the commitment and support from everyone who make up this foundation so that boys and girls can grow, study, play and have a decent environment, family and society with values and opportunities."

During this event they also spoke about last year's support, which helped 986 students in Quito. Out of those students, 835 passed, 93 dropped out due to different reasons and 49 failed.
Jose Juncosa, UPS vice president in Quito, Franklin Pino, district director of the Ministry of Economic and Social inclusion, Father Geovanny Pichincha, coordinator of the Pastoral department, Lola Vasquez, director of community involvement, Elizabeth Maruri, general treasurer of the project and Wladymir Galarraga, general coordinator of the foundation, also attended.