Seminar: “Language and Body. Fundamentals of Haptic Hermeneutics

EVENTO Híbrida TIPO Posgrado UPS lunes, 27 noviembre 2023


The master’s degree in Philosophy invites the university community and the general public to a seminar on “Language and Body. Fundamentals of Haptic Hermeneutics.”

The aim of this seminar is to examine the formation of haptic sensitivity in relation to the architectural construction of thought, the body and texts.

The speaker will be Fransisco Diez Fischerm, researcher from the “Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) - Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires (Argentina)”.


Date: November 27th to December 1st

Place: “El Giron” campus

Cost: $15



For more information contact: 
Carmen Álvarez