Simulated hearings for law students

Guayaquil, jueves 1 septiembre 2022
Students during the simulatio
Students during the simulatio


Hearings, oratory, and other legal skills, were part of the topics addressed by students of the Law degree in our branch campus in Guayaquil, during an activity called: "Simulation of divorce trial by mutual consent”.


The aim of the activity is to develop professional skills that young people should have and master from the first years of training to the practice of law.


Byron Perez, director of the law undergraduate program, explained that the idea is to make students have real life case studies so they are able to practice. 


Jennifer Salazar, law student, said that professors are preparing them for their professional lives by combining theory and practice, enabling them to develop the skills they need. 


Raul Alvarez, vice president of our branch campus in Guayaquil, was surprised to see the skills that students have developed and said he will support more events like these.