Sports competitions for UPS alumni

Guayaquil, miércoles 28 septiembre 2016


On August 24th and 25th the university's branch in Guayaquil held a sports competition for its alumni so that they can live moments of brotherhood. Over 250 professionals gathered in the university's sports complex.

The aim of holding this competition is that professors and alumni strengthen ties by doing sports such as soccer, basketball, swimming and volleyball. There were over 13 teams, in women's soccer the winners were "mundialistas salesianas" from the accounting major and in men's soccer the winners were "Fuerza Industrial". The winners in men's and women's basketball were the computer engineering teams and in volleyball the business administration team "Segurlim" won first place.

During the sports competition the organizers raffled a tablet and the winner was David Espinoza, who majored in electronic engineering. "It's a very interesting proposal and I congratulate the organizers and people in charge of the event", said Danny Llumiquinga, who majored in computer engineering. 

"These activities allow us to have constant communication and interaction with our graduates", said Professor Ana Luisa Correa, who is part of the university's alumni monitoring department.