Student representatives analyzed several projects that benefit all students

Guayaquil, martes 11 julio 2017
The meeting for the students federation
The meeting for the students federation


On July 1st, the university's branch campus in Guayaquil held the National Students Federation Meeting (FEUPS) to discuss important issues related with university students. The aim of the meeting was to talk about the projects of every branch campus (Cuenca, Guayaquil and Quito), share experiences and suggest common actions for the new period.

Some of the topics discussed were security, the process of digital identification cards and the allocation of student scholarships through FEUPS. The latter topic will be implemented once the application, evaluation, qualification and delivery mechanisms are approved by the UPS Superior Council. The topics to be analyzed for the allocation of a scholarship are the economic situation and academic excellence.

On security, the student representatives talked about measures that would allow access to the university campuses only for students, teachers and authorized personnel; Therefore they are planning to implement the use of digital cards that help in the automation of the process. "We want to implement a tool that allows us to enter the campus with only the UPS card, which will help us to have greater control over who enters our institution," said Oswaldo Calle of FEUPS Guayaquil