Students and professors are making face masks

Quito, martes 26 mayo 2020
Gustavo Caiza, professor in charge
Gustavo Caiza, professor in charge


Students and professors from the electronics and automation undergraduate program and members of the Electronics, Control and Automation Research Group (GIECA for its acronym in Spanish) from our branch campus in Quito are making face masks to contribute with the health emergency. 

Gustavo Caizal professor, said the aim is to help people whose jobs are directly involved with the health emergency specially doctors, security guards in hospitals and others who do not have the necessary protection to take care of themselves.

People working on this project first design the masks and then make them using two 3D printing machines approved by United States Food and Drug Administration. The model of the masks have been taken from the European Union without having to pay any intellectual property rights, said Ramon Perez, director of the undergraduate program and the coordinator of the research group.

The face mask is made up of three pieces, a polymer base, a protective screen and elastic. Students and teachers are working from home on the printing, assembly and logistics of 100 units, but the aim is to build 500 masks that will be donated directly to the institutions.

Marcela Saavedra, a student who is participating in the project, this goes beyond applying knowledge. "I have taken advantage of my knowledge of 3D modulation and design, but I am delighted to help people who need it most," she said.

Marcela Saavedra, Daniel Endara and Omar Martinez, students, and professors Gustavo Caiza are working on this project.