Students carried out a technical diagnosis of hybrid car batteries

Guayaquil, miércoles 2 marzo 2022
Renato Fierro, director of the automotive engineering undergraduate program
Renato Fierro, director of the automotive engineering undergraduate program


Students from the automotive engineering undergraduate program in our branch campus in Guayaquil carried out a technical diagnosis of hybrid car batteries. The aim was to strengthen students’ knowledge as well as provide this free service for the community. The idea is also to promote sustainable mobility by using transport that is friendly with the environment. 


Future automotive engineers analyzed the different systems in the power train of hybrid vehicles, the types of batteries and their characteristics and the batteries by means of a technique that simulates its operation.

Renato Fierro, director of the Automotive Engineering program, says this activity is an opportunity for young students: "This event allows students to consolidate their knowledge in an integral way, because they have access to different types and brands of vehicles. and they manage to put into practice what they have learned in the classroom”. This is the second time that this event has been held.

Lady Bazurto, student, said it is really important to continuously have this type of activities. The university is always willing to help the community, she said.