Students celebrated Biotechnology Day

Quito, lunes 24 junio 2019
Bryan Ramos, Tatiana Arias, Belén Flores and Sabino Armenise
Bryan Ramos, Tatiana Arias, Belén Flores and Sabino Armenise


During an event held to commemorate biotechnology day, students and professors from the biotechnology undergraduate program in our branch campus in Quito demonstrated the potential of this program and its research in human health, food production, agriculture and environmental care.

Students presented research projects and posters; Victoria Chimbo presented a key note speech titled ""Co-compostaje con poda de los lodos generados en el centro de faenamiento de Guaranda, Bolívar". Sofia Cabrera presented "El amor en tiempos postmodernos: neurobiología del enamoramiento" and Damaris Intriago the topic: "Hitos y protagonistas de la Biotecnología". 

Damaris Intriago told students they should work together as a team, be perseverant, learn from mistakes and conduct research. "We need more biotechnologists that can create a positive impact in the country and use technologies responsibly".             

The winners of the best presentation were Tatiana Arias and Belen Flores with the topic: "Evaluación de la actividad antihelmíntica in vitro de aceites esenciales de tres plantas presentes en la estación biológica Kutukú: culantrillo, guayaba e ishipingo". The award to best poster was presented by Bryan Ramos, "Evaluación de la eficiencia fitorremediadora lupinus pubescens, plantago major y scirpus californicus en suelos contaminados con arsénico".

Maria Fernanda Guevara, director of the biotechnology program, spoke about the integral education students have at UPS and encouraged them to jointly create new projects. "it is in your hands to use innovative technologies. In science, there is always something new to discover", she said.