Students created a crane for people with disabilities at "Fundación HOPE"

Cuenca, lunes 8 agosto 2022
Patients at
Patients at "Fundación HOPE"


The mechanics undergraduate program and the UNESCO chairs program on assistive technologies for inclusive education created a crane that will be used by people with motor disability for their physical rehabilitation at the Foundation “Hijos Originales, Padres Especiales” (HOPE).


The crane was created by professors and students; it is an important mechanism that includes an automated bridge crane and a harness that is adaptable to anthropometric characteristics of patients, in this case, for children, teens and adults.  

Through personalized rehabilitation and stimulation (physical, sensoperceptive, speech, art and hippotherapy), the crane helps improve the interaction in patients’ daily lives. In more serious cases, it helps with basic functions, development of skills, postures or asymmetric movements.  

According to Marco Mora, physical therapist in the Foundation, the crane represents great therapeutic opportunities that cannot be done manually because of patients’ weight and conditions, some having severe disabilities. The system will: improve lymphatic and blood circulation, activate atrophied muscles, improve posture, sensory stimulation and gait re-education.


The university promotes the development of science with a human approach which seeks to provide solutions to society’s needs. It gives students the opportunity to develop their full potential through hands on projects.