Students from the university residence who are overcoming adversities

Quito, martes 19 mayo 2020
Nahomi Angulo in her home in Esmeraldas
Nahomi Angulo in her home in Esmeraldas


Because of the health emergency, only 12 out of 47 students who normally stay at the university residence, located in the south of Quito, are now there. They all agree they are now sad, worried and uncertain about things. 

These 12 students have decided to stay at the university residence mainly because of the lack of internet connection in their communities: Zumbahua, Bomboiza, Esmeraldas, Salinas de Guaranda, Cayambe, Yaupi, Santo Domingo, Taisha, Simiatug and Facundo Vela.

Nahomi Angulo is from Esmeraldas and studies civil engineering; she revealed that some of her family members have contracted Covid 19 and said she is worried to see how some people in her neighborhood are not taking security measures. "My sisters lost their jobs, we are not protected and there's lots of risk here. We just hope things will get better", she said.

Wilmer Pujupat said he has used this time for spirituality, prayer and to spend time with his family. This future Psychologist from Gualaquiza believes that the positive side is he has been able to spend time with his father, mother and brothers, who he cannot see frequently.

Carlos Collavy, student majoring in Management and Leadership, is from the community of San Francisco, in the province of Bolívar. He says that "in order to have access to internet, it was necessary to be on the top of a hill", so he had to come to the university residence to study online. He is concerned that the elderly and children will not have timely care.

Washington Yanchaliquín says that he has to go to an info center for his classes and it is like that for many people in the area, but he keeps his spirits up to finish his Business Administration undergraduate program. Also with connection problems is Rocío Yampis from Tuuutinentsa, near Taisha. The rural nature of her community, as well as her family situation, has caused her to feel frustrated by the difficulties in attending her virtual Accounting and Auditing classes. Her classmates encourage her and the Student services department is trying to help her continue studying.

Every two weeks, UPS staff, Silvia Gómez, director of Student Wellbeing department; Evelin Lima and Byron Gangotena of the HR department, Arturo and Rocío Murillo, in charge of the residence, talk to these students to find out how they are and talk to them about the security measures that will be taken when they are back with many stories to tell: their fighting spirit, their joy and their perseverance.