Students presented a fiber removing machine for the salesian community of “San Fransisco Xavier”

Quito, lunes 3 abril 2023
The Salesian community of
The Salesian community of "San Francisco Xavier"


Daniela Aguilar and Gabriel Artega, graduates of the mechanical engineering undergraduate program, presented a fiber removing machine for the salesian community of “San Fransisco Xavier” located in the province of Bolivar. The project was guided by professors Milton Jami and Fernando Toapanta. 


The aim of the machine is to improve production in several areas and contribute to economic and sustainable development in the production of fiber; 250 women work in this process. The machine was presented to Father Pio Baschirotto, legal representative; the event was also attended by Cecilia Viscarra, accountant of the community; professors Cristian Leiva, Milton Jami and Fernando Toapanta; Darwin Caceres, from the community engagement department in our branch campus in Quito; residents of the community. 


“For over 50 years we have been working to improve the services and processes carried out in indigenous communities, prioritizing women so that they can launch projects based on solidarity and project that support families. This time we have the contribution from the UPS Mechanics undergraduate degree program”, said Pio Baschirotto.


Professor Milton Jami, explained that the Mechanics undergraduate program and the community engagement department support ventures and the improvement of processes that will benefit workers from different rural sectors. “It has been a great experience to work in this area and be able to help less privileged communities”, he said.


Gabriel Arteaga and Daniela Aguilar thanked their professors for encouraging them to carry out projects where they are able apply the knowledge they acquired at the university. 


Cecilia Viscarra spoke on behalf of the women workers, ““We are generators of a family economy, we need technology, knowledge and our talent to improve what we have. The handicrafts we make are sold nationally and internationally, not only for their beauty, but also for their cultural value."