Students presented a talk on the "ABC of Democracy"

Cuenca, martes 17 mayo 2016
UPS student Alejandra Ordóñez during her talk
UPS student Alejandra Ordóñez during her talk


The university's branch in Cuenca and the National Electoral Council organized a conference on Democratic and Social Development titled "ABC de la Democracia" or "The ABC of Democracy", in English. During the conference, attendees analyzed topics related to democratic principles, equality, gender equality, leadership, south American identity and community democracy.

This conference was held thanks to the work carried out by Alejandra Ordoñez, a natural resources biotechnology student in Cuenca, who is a member of the National Electoral Council's training school. 

Alejandra Ordoñez, along with Samantha Parra, a student from Universidad del Azuay, presented the "ABC of Democracy" whose aim is to strengthen the participation of people through training in civic and democratic values that encourage respect, pluralism and diversity. The plan has 3 main components:

-    I am committed to democracy

-    Community democracy: involving communities, nationalities, decentralized governments and associations

-    "Ruta Matilde Hidalgo": aimed at urban, rural and diverse women

The students thanked the university for its support and told attendees about the projects being carried out by the National Electoral Council such as the "Democracy Institute" which works to achieve democratic culture and encourage training in Ecuador.