Students presented infrastructure projects for communities in Guayaquil

Guayaquil, jueves 7 marzo 2024
Architecture students in our branch campus in Guayaquil
Architecture students in our branch campus in Guayaquil


The architecture undergraduate program in our branch campus in Guayaquil held an exhibition to present students’ models and projects, especially community engagement projects. Beneficiaries of the projects, citizens from the Febres Cordero district, the director of area 8 from the ministry of economic and social inclusion, Suey Monroy, representative of CUBE-G; members of the health district and Fundación Adonai Yoshua attended the event. 


Alisson Escobar Diaz, who is majoring in architecture, said “this event is very important because it allows us to show our talent, creativity and share our ideas through our projects”.  

Maria Fernanda Viteri, director of the architcture undergraduate program, spoke about the importance of the event: “Students presented models of community engagement projects for communities in Guayaquil”.
The aim of the architecture program is to educate students to become professionals with high ethical standards, motivation, creativity and social responsibility.