Students presented several automotive engineering projects

Guayaquil, miércoles 28 septiembre 2022


The automotive engineering undergraduate program in Guayaquil held a fair to present several of its projects such as simulations of electric Go Kart vehicle dynamics, design of a karting track and engine maintenance. 

Renato Fierro, director of the automotive engineering undergraduate program, said that it is important to present our students’ profile to society by showing what they have worked on at the university. 

The following projects were presented:


• Powertrain design for Go Kart-type electric vehicles.

• Design and analysis of: chassis and steering and transmission systems of a Go Kart vehicle.

• Track design proposals and regulations for Go Kart type vehicles.

• Vehicle aerodynamics.

• Maintenance on compression ignition engines.

Iván Chávez, General Manager of TAAET Electronics and member of the jury, stressed that our students will reach high levels of development and research with the pedagogical guide, underlining the importance of teachers and their important contribution to these projects of great interest. “I congratulate the university for this type of event, it is transcendental that students have the capacity and the possibility of being able to manage research projects and their contribution to society. We have constant technological changes and what the university is doing is outstanding," he said.


karting is made of different metals starting from the chassis, such as metallic, ferrous elements and also made from fiberglass with a sticker type coating. Students obtained the materials and the decoration in different companies, some directly from the international kart track in Guayaquil and Cotopaxi.

José Calvache, a ninth-semester student, and a group of 8 classmates, made their kart starting with an analysis of different software to check how viable the design option was, going from the computational to the real model, capturing the creation in a 3d view. "I felt very good, we had high expectations of the project from the beginning, we wanted it to be the best and similar to reality... we would like to take it to a more competitive level since it is a prototype for a Racing group”, he said. 


These projects strengthen students’ knowledge and improve their skills and performance.