Students took part in the "International Summer School 2022" in Colombia

Cuenca, martes 2 agosto 2022
Students who took part in the event
Students who took part in the event

Professors and students from the electronics & automation and biomedicine undergraduate programs in our branch campus in Cuenca took part in the “International Summer School 2022” held at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, Colombia, where participants presented projects on “Emerging technologies to support health care and independent living”.


Juan Fransisco Gonzalez, student from our branch campus in Cuenca, won first place in the 2022 Hackathon which took place during the congress. Erick Dutan Criollo, student majoring in Biomedicine, won first place in the “Mynonni” challenge by presenting an app for older adults. 


Evelyn Pesantez, student majoring in Biomedicine, won third place by presenting the project “Thirdmind”, an integrated service that enables interconnection between a doctor and a user through personalized artificial intelligence and Rubber Mind. 


Eduardo Pinos and Paola Ingavélez, directors of the electronics & automation and biomedicine undergraduate programs, said that having attended this international event helped students acquire more experience and knowledge.