Students went on mission trips to Salinas de Guaranda and Zumbahua

Quito, lunes 24 abril 2017
José Villagómez, during his visit to the Caiza family
José Villagómez, during his visit to the Caiza family


From the 12th to the 16th of April, 23 students from the university's branch campus in Quito, who are members of the different salesian groups in the university, took part in a human and social development project whose aim was to strengthen students' catholic and salesian identity.

The students conducted several activities aimed at strengthening the meaning of Holy Week in the communities located in Salinas de Guaranda (centro de Salinas, Chazojuan, Mullidiaguan, La Palma) and in the district of Zumbahua in the indigenous communities of Chicho, Ponce and Saraugsha.

The idea was also that students support groups of disadvantaged people and responsibly accept their Christian commitment with society. The students were supported by professors, staff and alumni, all under the coordination of the pastoral department.

During four days they visited families and held religious rituals such as washing of feet, stations of the cross and celebrated mass. There were also a talk on "Empowering and strengthening young people's qualities in personal, social and spiritual areas"

"The missions are experiences that allow people to reflect on the way they living their lives, it is also a great time to share with others, learn about other realities, understand and appreciate what we have", said Lorena Daga, UPS alumni.

Eduardo Villagomez, student and assistant of the communication and culture department, thinks it was interesting to learn about the social relationships that take place in communities, their work in the country and their spirituality. "Families welcomed us happily and were very thankful, I was motivated to have played with children. I was touched by how despite their economic difficulties their Christian values and solidarity are alive."