Take part in the UNESCO week for peace and sustainable development

EVENTO Presencial TIPO Académico UPS viernes, 6 enero 2017

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO are organizing the “UNESCO week for peace and sustainable development” that will take place in Ottawa, Canada from the 6th to the 10th of March.

This event is fundamental to discuss two key programs in Education, Education for sustainable development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCE) and their practical contribution to achieve the 4th objective of sustainable development.

People and organizations who are interested in attending must fill in the form (completar el formulario) “Express your interest for participating” and email it to ESD-GCED-Week@unesco.org before January 6th. 

Participants can be: teachers, teacher trainers, people in charge of writing policies in the field of teacher training and the development of study plans, representatives of government organizations and non-government organizations who work in ESD and GCE. 

UNESCO will check all the applications and will consider the need to guarantee geographical and gender equality before sending a formal invitation to participants. Participants who are invited must pay their travel expenses. Unesco’s limited resources will only be available to some participants from developing regions. 

For more information about this event go to consulte la nota conceptual adjunta.