Talks on mental health to find ways to address this issue

Quito, jueves 16 noviembre 2023
Psychology students
Psychology students


The psychology undergraduate program in our branch campus in Quito held several talks on challenges of mental health in order to discuss how to address this issue from different approaches. The inauguration of the ceremony was attended by Maria Sol Villagomez, vice president of our branch campus in Quito; Ximena Andrade, director of the psychology undergraduate program; Nathaly Moreira, student president of the psychology undergraduate program; Nanny Bustos, national coordinator “Salud Mental de Aldeas Infantiles SOS”; and Marcelo Coronel, director of the university’s pastoral department. 


Ximena Andrade said it is important for academia to strengthen and work on these topics, “mental health is collective well-being that must be safeguarded, it is important to recognize that it not only impacts people but also the social context.” Moreira explained that the mind is a broad and enigmatic territory, loaded with capabilities to be discovered. “In this era of challenges and changes, the relevance of maintaining our mental health is indisputable. Psychology offers essential tools to understand our interior and that of others, contributing to a more empathetic and supportive society,” he said.

Bustos spoke about the joint work with academia to reflect on the emotional and mental well-being of children. He invited students to see the stands of “CRIARTE”, an artistic and creative space dedicated to promoting a violence free childhood.

The opening conference was led by Clara Bucheli, specialist in Neuropsychology, who presented the topic: “Art and therapeutic communities.” Throughout the week, there were workshops on human mobility, strengthening a culture of peace, social integration, respect for diversity and the promotion of tolerance.


The speakers were professors Paz Guarderas, Daniela Ochoa, Luisa Grijalva, Cinthya Carofilis, René Unda; as well as María Sol Ruilova, from the municipality of Quito; Marcelo Grazón, from “fundación MUYUMPA”; and Aimee Dubois, from Organización Panamericana de la Salud OPS. 


During this event, they awarded the winners of the photography and short films competition.