Talks to reinforce values and create awareness on caring for the environment

Guayaquil, martes 2 agosto 2022
Students during one of the activities
Students during one of the activities


The pastoral department in our branch campus in Guayaquil held a talk titled “Where am I from? Where am I going? Who am I? 


Victor Iza, director of the pastoral department, said the aim was to strengthen students’ personal – social identity, understand people’s spirituality, reinforce their values and create awareness on caring for the environment.  


During the talk there were academic as well as recreational activities which enabled students to think about the environmental impact of their daily activities such as the excessive use of water, electricity and the emission of carbon dioxide. “There were about 1,300 students from different undergraduate programs who took part in these activities; we hope they put everything they have learned into practice”, said Johan Mendez, UPS professor.


Valentina Cevallos, student majoring in Law, said these activities are very beneficial for students. “Students must have information on topics related to the environment and ethics in order to educate people who will lead change. I congratulate the university for not only educating better professionals, but better human beings”, she said.