The 2nd International Scientific Conference on Automotive Engineering came to an end

Cuenca, lunes 22 noviembre 2021
Imagen del evento de las II Jornadas Científicas Internacionales en Ingeniería Automotriz
Imagen del evento de las II Jornadas Científicas Internacionales en Ingeniería Automotriz


The 2nd International Scientific Conference on Automotive Engineering, maintenance, energy efficiency and environmental pollution, which was organized by the automotive engineering undergraduate program and the Transport Engineering Research Group, came to an end. 


The aim of the conference was to create awareness on environmental care through the presentation of research results on energy efficiency, pollution and innovation in the automotive sector.


The speakers were professors with broad experience in the field of automotive engineering from different national and international universities. In the opening ceremony, Fernando Moscoso, vice president of our branch campus in Cuenca, welcomed participants and thanked the speakers. He stated that the conference is an opportunity to discuss several topics in the field of automotive engineering and ways to save the planet. 


Fernando Pesantez, general vice president of our university, officially inaugurated the conference and said the automotive sector is very important because it helps improve other sectors such as assembly lines, spare parts and other areas. This sector has a lot to offer for countries like ours. 


Some of the keynote speeches were:
•    “Descarbonización de la economía” presented by Edgar Lara Curzio from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Tennesse – USA. 
•    “Mantenimiento y Seguridad” presented by José Luis Muñoz Sanz from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid-Spain.
•    “Eficiencia energética y contaminación ambiental” presented  by José Ignacio Huertas Cardozo from the Enery and climate change institute from Monterrey, Monterrey N.L - Mexico. 
•    “La Vinculación Universidad – Empresa en la mejora del entorno ambiental” presented by Enrique Chacón Tanarro from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Spain. 
•    “Aporte de la Tribología a la eficiencia energética” presented by Javier Echávarri Otero DIM - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid-Spain. 
•    “Nuevas técnicas de Mantenimiento” presented by César Ricardo Soto Ocampo CITEF - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid-Spain.