The Congress on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society is now indexed to SCOPUS

UPS, viernes 8 mayo 2020
One of the events during CITIS 2020
One of the events during CITIS 2020


After six editions of the Congress on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS for its acronym in Spanish) and thanks to the support of the university's Publications Board, presided by UPS president Father Javier Herran, and the Abya Yala Publishing House, CITIS has been indexed to SCOPUS, one of the world's most visited data bases.

The members of Congress' Organizing Committee, chaired by Juan Pablo Salgado, Head of Research at UPS, thank all the researchers who have chosen CITIS as the congress to communicate the results of their research projects, and also thank the entire academic and scientific community who attended the congress and represented society during the presentation of new knowledge that is presented each year in this great event. Thanks to professors, students and researchers.

CITIS is a high-level scientific event organized by UPS, which year in and year out invites national and international researchers to present, share and disseminate the results of their innovative research in the field of Engineering and how it can be used in society. 

In the sixth edition, held in February 2020, the Congress focused on five fundamental topics: industry, mobility, environmental sustainability, information and telecommunications. There were five Workshops, poster presentations and eight Conferences on current issues.

One of the most relevant topics was on wearable technologies and their applications in medicine, sports and people's well-being; Linux embedded system applications using Raspberry Pi; ethical hacking; the application of virtual models in the homologation of industrial products; the feasibility of using solar-powered heat pumps; integrating capacity planning and production into industry; optimal planning of heterogeneous wireless networks in electrical network applications and Smart Cities; the energy performance of battery and hybrid electric vehicles, and others.

The 32 papers that were accepted went through blind peer review and were then published in issue E30 of the Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (RISTI).
We hope the health crisis we are experiencing today encourages us to make bigger efforts to provide spaces where people can present their ideas from the field of Engineering to solve problems in society, as well as continue our contribution to a process of transformation that can be carried out from academia and research.