The global economy and its effects during the pandemic - CIAGEN 2021

Cuenca, lunes 20 diciembre 2021
The 9th International Congress on Auditing, Management and Business (CIAGEN 2021)
The 9th International Congress on Auditing, Management and Business (CIAGEN 2021)

The 9th International Congress on Auditing, Management and Business (CIAGEN 2021), organized by the economics, business and accounting undergraduate programs at Universidad Politecnica Salesiana’s branch campus in Cuenca was attended by about 350 people (students, professors and professionals in the field of business, economics and accounting). 

There were national and international speakers from universities that are part of the Salesian Higher Education Institutions (IUS). They talked about the new contexts of auditing and its applications, new perspectives of entrepreneurship and innovation, new markets, sustainable tourisms, marketing and business trends, international economic policy and fair trade, social responsibility, redistribution of wealth and quality of life, the environment, taxation, production and logistics. 


In the opening ceremony, UPS president Juan Cardenas stated that it is a good idea to hold this type of event during times of pandemic since they deal with current topics and suggest ways to adapt to this new normality.


Alvaro Acuña, general vice president of Universidad Catolica Cardenal Raul Silva Henriquez from Chile, stressed the importance of analyzing the world economy and its effects during the global crises. 


The goals of the congress were to: Disseminate scientific and academic production in the area of Administrative and Economic Sciences, as well as, use and discuss new trends, innovative proposals and strategies used by Latin American companies that promote the better development of companies in new markets.