The pedagogy major at UPS-Cuenca held a training course for teachers

Cuenca, miércoles 5 agosto 2015
(from left to right) Mariana Carrillo, Xavier Merchan, Cesar Vasquez, Victoria Jara
(from left to right) Mariana Carrillo, Xavier Merchan, Cesar Vasquez, Victoria Jara

The pedagogy major at UPS-Cuenca held a training course titled "Curriculum and Methodologies to improve pedagogy" as part of its community involvement policies; the course was aimed at teachers from educational institutions in the province of Azuay.

81 teachers in all took part in the course, 6 of which were from UPS, the rest were from the following schools:  Unidad Educativa Borja, Tres de Noviembre, Juan Montalvo, Carlos Crespi, Simón Bolívar, San Martín, Antonio Ávila, Febres Cordero, Manuela Cañizares, Pio XII, Luis Cordero, San Francisco de Sales, CEDFI, Alborada, Bilingüe Interamericano, José Tomás Rendón, Alberto María Andrade,  CEICA, Honorato Loyola, Escuela Sindicato de Choferes, CIBV Medio Ejido, CIBV San José, Unidad Educativa Sigsig, Ausubel High School and CEDEI School.

The aim of the 40 hour course was to help improve the quality of education in the province. The topics covered in the course were:

  • Curriculum planning. Explained by Mariana Carrillo (UPS) 
  • Curricular adaptation. By Johanna Zamora (UPS)
  • The digital era and emerging pedagogies. By Fernando Solorzano (UPS)
  • Active methodologies. By Rosa María Massón Cruz (Universidad de la Habana)

The attendees were pleased with the course, which they said met their expectations, and Pedagogy professors said that having this type of courses are important to help teachers' professional development.