The play "Como agua para Chocolate" was presented in Cuenca

Cuenca, miércoles 5 abril 2017
The theather group from the university's branch in Quito during the play
The theather group from the university's branch in Quito during the play


The theater group from the university's branch campus in Quito presented the play titled "Como agua para chocolate", which was adapted from Laura Esquivel's novel. The play was included within the best 100 spanish novels of the 20th century in the Spanish newspaper "El Mundo".

The play presents the story of Tita, a woman who is destined to live with her mother and renounce to Pedro‘s love. To be close to Tita, Pedro marries Tita's sister, Gertrudis; the story is related to the importance of cuisine and typical Mexican recipes from the time of the Mexican revolution ( 1989).

The play took place in the university theater and was directed by Juan Pablo Acosta, the actors are from different undergraduate programs.

The role of Tita was performed by Scarlet Cisneros; Andrea Córdova as Elena, Jonathan Castro as Pedro, Gisselle Juka as Gertrudis, Fernanda Merino as Rosaura, Viviana Tituaña as Chencha, Maria Fernanda Suarez as Nacha, Nicolas Carrera as Dr. Brown, Bryan Enríquez as Juan Alejandrez;  Dimitri Jácome as Don Pascual and Sargeant Treviño; Salomé Jetón as Tía Mary; Michelle Gortaire. Karla Sánchez narrator and the ghost with Max Espinoza, and Jonathan Vázquez as the errand boy.   

Attendees applauded the performance of all the actors and actresses who were very thankful with the university's officials for their support in order to present the play in Cuenca.