The postgraduate department held several Master Classes and Webinars

UPS, miércoles 1 junio 2022
Over 1.800 people took part in the master classes and webinars
Over 1.800 people took part in the master classes and webinars


Our university’s postgraduate department held 10 master classes and 7 webinars on different topics led by national and international experts who spoke about their experience in the professional and research field.


The master’s degree in foreign trade and logistics management organized a talk led by Fransisco Rivadeneira, former representative of the IMF in Ecuador, to analyze the strategies our country should undertake to reactivate the economy from exports. 


The master’s degree in communication and sports journalism organized a talk led by well-known professionals Javier Tola, Ramiro Lahera and Oscar Sánchez, professors from Universidad del Real Madrid. During their talk, they spoke about great job Ecuador has done regarding sports policies. 

They believe it is necessary to consider other fields to complement the practice of sports such as health, economics and politics. The stated that sports are part of social development and therefore sports journalism must become a benchmark of quality. 


The master’s degree in accounting and auditing presented a talk led by Cristina Trujillo and Alexei Estrella, professionals with broad experience in the field. They talked about the implementation of the international financial reporting standards, taxation and other related topics. 


New postgraduate degrees will start in July; we invite professionals to learn more and be part of our programs. For more information: