The president-elect of the workers association at UPS (ADETUPS) took office

Cuenca, jueves 6 noviembre 2014
Posesión de las autoridades de la ADETUPS 2014 - 2016
Posesión de las autoridades de la ADETUPS 2014 - 2016

A special ceremony was held for the new members of the workers association at UPS-Cuenca (ADETUPS) who took office for a two year period.

The ceremony was held in the University's Monseñor Leónidas Proaño auditorium where the UPS President Father Javier Herrán Gómez congratulated the new members and encouraged them to continue working based on the Salesian philosophy. He added that the University's mission statement is to pursue quality education based on human values. 

The electoral tribunal president, Oswaldo Zumba, announced "Equidad" as the winners of these elections. Equidad is made up by President: Flavio Quizhpi, Vicepresident: Freddy Campoverde, Treasurer: María Tocachi, Secretary: Raúl Luna. Board members: Luz Marina Castillo, Myriam Mancheno, Andrea Huiracocha, Luz Matute, Carlos Lucero, and Hernán Alvarado.

President-elect Flavio Quizhpi thanked everyone for their support and said he would do his best to accomplish his work plan. Finally the UPS-Cuenca Vice President César Vásquez Vásquez congratulated the winners and encouraged them to continue working in benefit of the members of the association.