The Red Cross collected 250 pints of blood

Cuenca, martes 24 mayo 2016
Bertha Tacuri, director of the computer engineering faculty, in the blood donation campaign.
Bertha Tacuri, director of the computer engineering faculty, in the blood donation campaign.


During the blood donations campaign held on May 19th and 20th, the Red Cross was able to gather 250 pints of blood from UPS professors, students and overall staff. The entire university community showed their support towards the people who were affected by the earthquake that hit the Ecuadorian coast on April 16th. 

The Red Cross was very thankful and congratulated everyone in the University for their Support. The blood campaign is one of the activities the university has carried out to help people who were affected by the quake, they now plan to continue collecting nonperishable food, toys, diapers, medicine and other useful products. 

On June 4th volunteers will go the affected areas and help with activities which characterize Salesians.