The Unesco chair program and RED RAITI presented the MEMOTECH project

Guayaquil, jueves 12 enero 2023
Members of UNESCO and RAITI
Members of UNESCO and RAITI


The Unesco chairs program, technologies for inclusive education, from our branch campus in Guayaquil held a meeting with representatives from the Academic Network for Support and Research on Inclusive Technologies (RED RAITI). The meeting was attended by representatives of several institutions such as Bertha Naranjo, coordinator of Unesco chairs program; Wendy Luna, director of the community engagement program; and Emay Jaramillo, director of the students well being department in Guayaquil. 

They spoke about students’ needs in different institutions in order to provide support through innovative projects. Claudia Amat, president of Fundación Sendero Azul, explained the benefits for non-government organizations, the work carried out to benefit people with disabilities. “There are projects on communication and inclusion for people with autism. Students create proposals and create awareness on society and people with disabilities”, she said.  

Yajaira Bermeo, researcher from the TICAD research group, spoke about the projects they have presented. “In the meeting we presented a report on the progress of the MEMOTECH project and presented the didactic resources that have created such as STEAM philosophy, 3D didactic resources, Lego, simulators, apps, MOOC, gamification, and other technological tool