The university will publish the approved papers of the International Congress on Ethnography and Education

Quito, viernes 1 mayo 2020
V Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación (CIEE)
V Congreso Internacional de Etnografía y Educación (CIEE)


The organizing committee of the 5th International Congress on Ethnography and Education will make a physical and digital publication of the approved papers, both from keynote speeches and conferences. The papers will undergo peer review according to standards of the Abya Yala UPS Publishing House, which is in charge of the publication.

The congress had great acceptance; there were a total of 146 abstracts, 103 were approved. There were speakers from Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, central America and other south American countries. Participants from Antilles, USA, Canada, Italy, France and Spain had also confirmed their participation.

"All our enthusiasm has been overshadowed by the Covid 19 pandemic which has caused huge harm and uncertainty worldwide. In this regard, it is impossible to continue planning the 5th International Congress on Ethnography and Education which was programmed to take place from July 14th – 17th, 2020", said Ruben Bravo, director of the anthropology undergraduate program and one of the organizers. 

The university board has decided to cancel all congresses that had been organized for this year. Jose Juncosa, vice president of the university's campus in Quito, said "we cannot allow all this effort to go unaccounted for, many people prepared their talks and still have high hopes. Once the publication is done, the conferences will be held online".

The final version of the papers must be sent in a book format by August 30th, 2020 to